“Gays & Lesbians” Do we Hate them? Do We love Them? The World is so Freaking Confusing!

 Suddenly i have this urge to make this entry as i myself is surrounded by these types of people and the X-factor of me doing this entry is that i have to do a “Formal Class Assignment Debate” about The House Believes in Transgender…….So what is with them…..The society is saying no to these types of people but the question is if they thinks that this is Immoral still how come that these people still lurks among people.Hey i dun care if for lesbian to act in public because in the naked eye of the society if they’d ever hugged or holding hands together in public but men?hmm…..it will awesomely shocking if we were to see two men holdings their kinky’s(little finger) swinging or hugging in front of the public.That is weird…..But still for lesbians it is still a shame…But again we as a ‘normal’ society treated them as it is a normal thing ….like there are new gender apart from the original male female counterpart. i stressed again that i have no bad intention whatsoever or have any bias thought to these parties….but as a part of society ive seen these attitudes or characteristics have becoming a trend and began to grow on normal people…..Gone are the days of men sensitive to other men hugging them or kissing mockery….now playing on bed hugging each other off which men usually play  mock fights….it does not stem to these new generations…….i dunno about girls but as a guy i ve seen alot of displeasing views……Gay or not im not sure…..but im sure there no ‘best friends attitudes’ in there…say u r a person best friends you does not hug  him in bed nor play mockery kissing…….serius its  disgusting view..please! wanna do it get ur own personal room or where there only you and ur partner…Please a men behaves like a man and no excuses on thagt….forgiven who r metro sexual but no too drastic like i mentioned aboveimages ;

Hey one word for u…..Wateva-lah

Today i got Psychology test…..Nah im not crazy that i have to undergo “the psychology test” at mental ward…no…Wat am i talking bout is the psychological studies……Damn so confusing i never thought that people’s attitudes have different labels juz like biology…….Interesting is my whole lot of colleagues are not even studying………wateva-lah they all super geniuses…i have this habit of not going to class so during pre-exam period yeah i have to cover everything……Wateva-lah…i  dun care..people regard me as a lazy bum…….is juz waking up part is soo hard!……wif nice pillow…nice blankie……….wat mre can a person ask………Now judging that i am not going to class i dun have anything in my brain…thats fer me to know and to prove to all of the ill-beilevers outhere one day…hey if ur soo goodie2 so what im not the same as you…my style different than u…..u will say whatever-lah…ill reply too wateva-lah…..its just simple …if u think i dun have an improvement so what HOW WUD U KNOW……..readers simple to say dun ever judge a person by their outside appearance or their outside attitudes cuz sumhow u cant judge a person on that particular state…..Providing a state of mind of persons who judging…hey ask urself are u good enuf to judge a person if u urself cant judge your ownself……. …thats fer my opening start of my entry….till we meet again.

sleep la