~NiGhT & bLoOd~ I AiN't GoTh oR BlAcK MeTal

WhY In CarNation that u UsEd 
Bloody Hunter of The Night???

A question of norm when i told my blog to my fwens.... 
Some ppl said that i've become a goth or a black metal,
My Father used to say that my obesession towards sumtink black
is not good especially on what the society sees u,
MY MOTHER opted for me to wear sumtink bright and sparkly,
it shows to the world u r happy
(in terms of FASHION point of view).

Well come on you guys colours is sumtink dat r ABSTRACT,
If a SOCIETY says PINK is gay than GAY it is,
But when a Society says PINK is love it will be love..
BACK to the question why do i use these themes in my daily life,
Its Because of my obsession towards VAMPIRE~!
Yes VAMPIRE & plzz note that i am not one of the 
"Ouh hes so handsome,hes so cute EDWARD CUllen fan"
My obsession is way before that
Why i choose VAMPIRE~
As vampire is connected to both blood and night
these Fiend creatures they wait in the dark seeking for a chance
for a chance~the only thing driving them to lurk the victim is blood

As u see these creatures cant go out in the daylight
so they started to njoy the beauty of the night
the dark mysterious and cold night
These is where i point out where as the silent night can be
and scary that ppl wanted to just to be at home snuggling in bed
Ppl misses out the beauty of the nature of night..
Meaning sumtink so scary,unknown or see as bad in the first impression is not gud at all
Thats my point of view towards anything,
there will be beauty behind every mystery,
seek it out and ull find the tranquility .
be afraid of the unknown but not that afraid that u finally made a conclusion it is entirely Bad and should not are bout it
That sumtink that ppl always see me
ODD,weird is a NORM 4 me
What do i want is Juz UNDERSTANDING!!!
 If you wanna judge a person know the person yourself then make conclusion not just listen it from other ppl who might have differnt interest which we might Not know of ..
AS we see red is so match with black try it fer yerself
Thats the ony reason i knew of y i chose RED hahaha


Nina Aziz said...

finally i cn post a cmmnt here...
fyi lai, edward cullen a no-no in vampire world..
vampire doesnot sparkle like diamond...they hve perfect features tp bukan sparkle k...

EL STARZZ said...

still its a vampire to person yg tak tau characteristics of vampire