The Greatest Poser One Could Be......But in the end do we all care?

Well readers sorry fer the long absence as i way too busy in all the  midst of workload and test...well as student .I tink most of u would understand aite...Well scrubbing of the dusts and  spider in this very blog......
         As my title kinda tell evertink that i wuz aboout to tell u guys but am here to eleborate more.A poser.......Who would not hate a poser....But then again a poser is needed in oneself to advanced oneself in society....In a society as far as i concerned that the society tends top accept people who has the same traits or personality ....even a slightest difference with the major part of the society one will be looked as weirdo unethical a geek, an antagonist of the society where in the end the very person will be isolated and be deprived out of the existence.Lets face it who among us does not even once try to be other person in order to be accepted in a society......? To be frank being oneself is hard while being other people is way much easier.But the i hate to be a poser in a certain writing this post not to say let  everything out of the bag of your personality so people can figure you out in snap but we have to be wary in a step of revealing our personality or 'posing' a different personality....Posing to much.... People will labeled you as fake ....I have encountered much of the situation as what you guys would see one person tried to be a goody in the eye of the public but at the back hes just another devils wary of the people around you as they are not what as the seems ...... a devils advocate is what i use to label them. a quiet person will mean much trouble a noisy person well the are annoying enuf in the first place so why bother aite. Some person  acted good in front of the girls/guys juz only wanted to attract the girls/boys or jus even wanted their attention....even so what we see is not what we hear so.....for every person they have their own reason for being a poser...hey i didn even blame them i didn say to myself to not being a poser....the quotation BE YOURSELF is far right from the truth.......they didn realized that they themselves is being a poser.....well realization is first step of accepting the truth...... till then my brain froze and the ideas suddenly came to an abrupt halt till then ~toodles~

                                              Take Is As An Advice Not A Mockery